Friday, October 24, 2008

And his name is....

We did decide on a name for this masculine bundle that constantly moves in my stomach! His name is going to be....

Josiah Scott Stake

We loved the name when we were pregnant with Hannah and it stuck with us! Josiah means "God is my support" which we are already praying for this little guy. Josiah is also a great king in the Bible, one of the few that loved and followed God. He became king at the age of 8 and as he grew, he loved the Lord and cast out the idols in Judah and rebuilt God's Temple. He also found the Book of the Law (1st 5 books of the Old Testament) in one of the walls in the Temple, and had it read to all the people out loud. As a result, the country turned back the Lord and followed Him and His statutes.

We are praying that our son would have this kind of boldness and courage for the Lord, and that He might use our Josiah for His kingdom in amazing ways.

We chose Scott for a middle name because he is our first son, and I would love to see our son grow to be much like his Daddy. My husband is an amazing man, and I admire him so much. He is strong, obedient to the Lord, courageous, willing to take a stand on what matters, incredibly intentional with our kids and me, and so loving. There is much more I could say, but it would take me all day!

So there you have it! We are looking forward to his arrival in just under 3 months and finally getting to meet this precious life that God has created face-to-face.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Little Cloggers

Okay, this is the last one from North Carolina, I promise! :)

One night, we went into Asheville to the Fiddlin' Pig, a great BBQ place with live Bluegrass every night. We had gone last year to see Balsam Range play, so this year we went again and saw The Hominy Brothers. The girls were so excited about dancing and we got to meet the band before they started playing. They danced the night away, clogging with each other and dancing with Daddy. They even wore their black heeled church shoes because Abigail said that they were the most like real clogging shoes. Here are a couple pictures to enjoy and a short video to see the dancing queens.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

More North Carolina fun

While in NC, we "hiked" at Max Patch, which is a beautiful grassy bald where the Appalachian Trail crosses through. The girls and I set up camp on a picnic blanket and the guys hiked to the top. It has a great 360 view of the mountains, and we hear that in peak leaf season it is just breathtaking. While we were there, the leaves were just starting to tinge orange, but the field was full of wildflowers. The girls had a blast picking everyone bouquets and running freely. We had a picnic lunch when the guys got back from their hike and enjoyed the gorgeous weather.

Here are the girls at the trail head, all ready for their big hike.

And, here they are playing in the wildflowers.

And, last but not least Scott and I taking advantage of the great photo op.