Monday, October 5, 2009

Hello out there!

Okay, this is ridiculous, I know. I haven't posted since June. JUNE. And it is now October! Oh, my, this has got to be the worst blog ever. So sorry to whoever is out there reading. :) I will try to do better.

Fall has come for the Stakes. We are looking forward to going to North Carolina/Tennessee this weekend for a week of laid-back vacation with friends. I am really excited about the time to get away and be together as a family with nature, no work, and no TV. We have grand plans of apple picking, bluegrass music, dancing, hiking, eating, and resting. I am sure I'll have plenty to post about when we get home.

This past week has been an interesting one for us. On Wednesday, I woke up so dizzy I couldn't stand and nauseous. When it didn't go away for hours, Scott took me to the doctor's office. After a couple of hours there, they couldn't tell us what caused it but they did send me away with a nice parting gift - anti vertigo meds. The dizziness went away and hasn't been back, so who knows. Shall we chalk it up to hormones? A 30 year old woman, nursing a 9 month old - yeah, I'd say I have hormonal issues.

On Friday, my sweet hubby decided to tackle the yard work and set to trimming some out-of-control bushes while I was cleaning inside. Mid-vaccuum I heard awful banging on the front door and opened it to my husband holding his bloody hand behind him. My heart leapt into triple time and I proceeded to run around like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to get my brain to process normally. I grabbed him a towel (a navy blue one, too, which was impressive given my mental state) and told him to hold his hand above his head. His face was getting whiter by the minute so I sat him in the van with some orange juice while I called my mom to come watch the kids.

Mom: "Hello?"
Me (in a hurried voice): "Hi, Scott cut his finger trimming bushes and I need to take him in to get stitches so can you come over and watch the kids" (all in one big breath).
Mom: "Hello? I'm sorry, this phone is making a funny sound. Whoever this is, can you hold on a second?"
Mom: "OH! Okay!"

Exactly 6 minutes later she comes to screeching halt in front of my house. I'm so sorry, Mom, for the 10 minutes I just took off your life.

So, 3 hours later we get back from Patients First with a couple stitches and a tetanus shot. He is just fine, and will heal. Fifteen minutes after we get home, he leaves again to go pick up an entertainment center I bought off of Craig's List with my brother in law. Craziness. That night we went out on a date and got to relax a bit over some yummy Bonefish Grill.

I tell ya, you never know what might happen that day when you wake up. But I do know this: God is Sovereign in all of it and He is good and faithful. Praise be to Him!