Friday, March 20, 2009

Finally, an update! has only taken me 9 weeks since Josiah's birth to get on here and post something! Sorry for the long wait, it has been 2 1/2 months of illness for me, and with caring for the 3 kiddos on top of that, I have not had the time or energy to blog! :) Hopefully, all that will change soon.

So here are the details: Josiah was born on January 11, 2009 at 1:47pm. He weighed in at a big 8lbs 1oz for being two weeks early! He was 19 1/2 inches long with nice broad shoulders and a head full of brown hair. My labor was very fast -- 1 1/2 hours total and he came out healthy and happy!

After giving birth, I did hemmorage quite a bit and lost a lot of blood. At one point, my OB looked at me and said "We may have to wheel you down to the OR soon if your bleeding doesn't stop. I have to figure out where it is coming from and stop it." Of course, I was in full panic mode at that point and vividly remember looking past the doctor to my husband's face and seeing complete control in his eyes. He didn't say anything just then, but his face told me that it was going to be okay and that he would be there through whatever came next. I think I will always remember that look of strength and courage for as long as I live. We prayed and prayed for the bleeding to stop, and after 2 different medications, it finally did.

At about 8:30 that evening, I was allowed to get out of bed and try walking. I got to the restroom and back before just about passing out, but after another hour, they released me from Labor & Delivery to a normal Postpartum room. What a day! God was so gracious and good! At every corner, He would remind me that He was sovereign & in control and that He would take care of me. He gave us a beautiful, healthy, sweet tempered baby boy who did not have to have antibiotics given to him in his first days of life (which was a BIG prayer request for me). He stopped my bleeding and gave me the next few days to spend nursing and loving on my new baby boy rather than recovering from surgery. He is so good, and I love Him!

Josiah is now a very happy and content 9 week old boy, who is quick to smile at us and loves when his sisters join him on the quilt on the floor. He started sleeping through the night at 4 1/2 weeks (another blessing from God!) and generally doesn't cry much at all. His sisters have transitioned so well, and they are so sweet and kind to him. He has already acquired the nickname "Buddy" from them and they love to hold and kiss him.

We are doing generally very well as a family of 5, and it is a true joy to have Josiah as a new member of our family. I am reminded of a quote from our church's baby dedication prayer -- that we are but a nursery for heaven, caretakers of precious children that are not our own, but God's, and that our responsibility and joy is to raise them to know Him, love Him, and follow whatever His will might be for their lives.

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