Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer is Here!!

Ahh, the lazy days of summer have arrived. Now the kids don't have to go to bed when the sun is still out and we can all be together to play during the day. I have certainly missed Abigail this year at school! She was a little melancholy on her last day, trying to keep her tears at bay on the way home in the van. I must admit, I was the same way. Mrs. Warren was about the best Kindergarten teacher anyone could ask for, and this first year of school was wonderful. Here is a picture of her at their Kindergarten graduation play. They performed Peter Rabbit and Abigail was Mrs. McGregor. They were adorable, and they each got a certificate for completing their first year of school.

Now, we are enjoying being outside in the kiddy pool, on the slip N slide, and grilling out for dinner. We have been swimming and to the park, and in a week or so the girls start their swimming lessons for the summer. I do love this time of year!

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