Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Baby #3 is on the way!

It is hard to believe that I am already 18 weeks pregnant with our third little bundle of joy! The time is flying by. I am slowly starting to show and have been feeling the baby kick for about 4 weeks now. We will have our big ultrasound next Wednesday to find out what we are having. Will it be a boy this time? Or another precious girl? At this point, only God knows!

But I rest assured each day that He knows this little one completely and has planned every day of his or her life even now, before he or she has lived yet one of them. This child is fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of the Universe and He has gifted this little one to us for a purpose. He has a perfect and mighty plan for this child, and we are honored to be a part of it.

Please continue to pray that our pregnancy and delivery go well, and that this little one is healthy and strong. I have been feeling really well and have only been plagued with headaches and fatigue now and then. I am so thankful for this blessing, so that I can concentrate on caring for Scott, Abigail, and Hannah.

Here is a photo of our first ultrasound at 10 weeks. The baby was really on the move that morning and our doctor was earning his pay trying to keep this sweet child in the picture!

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