Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My baby is going to Kindergarten!!

It is official! Abigail started Kindergarten on Monday. It was a big day in the Stake household and we spent a long time preparing her. She was so excited about going. We had gone to the Orientation on Friday morning where we got to meet her teacher (who she already knew from church!) and see all her new friends. We played for about two hours in her classroom and on the playground, so all her nerves were gone come Monday morning. Hannah loved the Friday morning Orientation as well, and she promptly informed me that "I go Kin-garten with Abidail, too. I big girl."

Of course, Mommy was camera crazy on her first day, documenting the big day. Here she is all set to go at home. Daddy was armed with the video camera, capturing her reactions.

We walked her in to her classroom and got her all settled in. She sat down to color a picture and then said, "Bye, Mom! See you at lunchtime!" And that was it. :) The school hosted a Boo Hoo Breakfast for all the Kindergartener's parents, which Scott and I went to. I wondered if I would get emotional sending my eldest daughter off to school, but I was just happy to see her enjoying her new adventure. I still went to the Boo Hoo Breakfast though, because a pregnant woman does not turn down food for any reason.

Here is a photo of our family in her classroom right before we left:

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