Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's A....

BOY!!!! We can hardly believe it! We are both so excited to welcome a little boy into our family. The girls are thrilled to have a baby brother and proud papa is thrilled to add a little more testosterone to the house!

To the right is a photo of our little man. It is his profile with a leg up over his head. Just above the head, you can see his little toes. Oh, to be that flexible!

We are praying that this little boy would grow up over the years into a strong man who loves the Lord his God with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. We pray that he would be a leader who serves sacrificially and one who stands by his faith and the Truth of the Word. Would you join us in praying for him? We are also praying that his birth would go smoothly and without complication and that his transition into our home would be seamless.

We will keep you updated once we choose a name for this new Stake man!

Here are a couple of pics from the ultrasound -- the left one is our "It's a Boy!" shot (the arrow is pointing to the proof) and the right is his little foot as he was kicking me.


jeannie said...

I have been checking your blog to see when the newest member made the headlines! Yippee! Love the little guy so much already.

Jenny said...

Sad, so sad to learn this from the internet. Congratulations though. We love you much!
