Tuesday, September 30, 2008

North Carolina Adventures

Well, we are home safe and sound from our week trip up to Wonderwood Mountain, North Carolina. We stayed with some retired friends who spend 6 months there in their cabin. It was the most wonderful week -- full of relaxation, beautiful weather, hiking, bluegrass music, and enjoying the simple things in life. We picked apples from a tree on the mountain and made applesauce, rode the ATVs up and down, enjoyed some live bluegrass while chowing down on real barbeque, and did all kinds of fall arts and crafts with the girls. I'll post several adventures over the next week or so.

Here, "Grandpa" Dave is leading the morning flag ceremony. The flag was given to his mother at his father's military funeral and now he puts it out every morning. Don't worry, I remember to flip the picture a few seconds into it! :)

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