Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hannah is a Big Girl now!

At the beginning of August, Hannah got to move into Abigail's room and sleep in a big girl bed! She was very excited about the transition and loved that her bed matched her big sister's. We rearranged the room some and weeded out some of the toys to make room for the other bed. We had purchased a bunk bed and painted it white, but instead of bunking them, we decided to put them side by side and let Hannah sleep in the "top bunk" since it has some low rails around it.

Needless to say with our daredevil little 2 year old, training her to stay in bed has proven quite difficult. The first night they shared a room, Hannah kept getting out of bed and walking over to Abigail to give her hugs and kisses and make sure she was still awake. The temptation to get out and play has been too strong for her to resist and we would find her "cooking" in the kitchen at 9:00pm or thumbing through a book in the closet.

Now that it has been a few weeks, she has gained considerable self control and is staying in bed, even if she doesn't fall asleep right away. Of course, I think it helps that we turned her bed around so that the spot to crawl out now faces a wall! :) She really is a great little girl and tries hard to obey and do the right thing. We are so proud of her. Now the girls are inseperable and love sharing a room together. And the nursery is empty and awaiting its new occupant in January!

Here are the bouncing sisters -- so excited about sharing a room!!
And here is Hannah, finally tuckered out from all her nap time antics. Isn't she precious?


jeannie said...

love those little gals! So sweet they are. Good job on your blog, too! love, mom

Unknown said...

So great to see how your family has grown. You all look wonderful and it's delightful to read about how God is working in your lives.

Joel and Shannon said...

I can relate all TOO well with trying to get two little girls to go to sleep instead of "playing, giggling, or hurting each other"!!! Eliza still naps in our extra large walk in closet so we can avoid problems, but they do great at bedtime. Ah...the joys of parenthood and sisterhood!!